

Slingshots with a Soul

Just lately, yes, just in these latest years, I have slowly learnt why I still go on sculpting slingshots which are apparently useless; already long time ago they lost their fundamental goal of throwing stones far away, as they are naked, without any rubber strip, any goal.
That’s it, no goal
They don’t have anything to demonstrate
They don’t have any style to follow.
It doesn’t matter which wood they are made of or where they are from.
It doesn’t matter if they are smooth, polished by the sea, the wind or simply by the time.
Most of them have been obtained by pruned branches or sometimes cut from the tree, but always from a secondary branch, as if it was pruned, but always apologizing for the trouble and thanking it.
They don’t have any need to justify themselves.
There are no limits, no clear rules… it’s just enough to take away the chips and wait for what comes out. Each cutter shot, each chip, each splinter, takes something away, a useless memory, a bothering thought, a harmful emotion.
But at the same time, between a chip and another, some pauses are added, healing silences which have the power to turn life’s dissonances into a rightful harmony.
I think that in order to perceive the magic of life, it is essential to insert such pauses in the right places, these silences, in order not to be stunned or misled by the things that life itself offers us, which too often distract us.
Slingshots always come from the fork of a branch, a tree which has obviously its own shape, thickness, big marrows, protruding branches, thorns, some parts eaten by some previous guest, unforeseeable reactions which occurs during the work.
From this branch fork you will only get what you can, adapting to its particular nature, and this apparent limits transformed into privileges, give us the maximum pleasure of making a mistake without making any mistake, of creating a unique slingshot, as unique as our life.

Slingshots Worldwide

El primer tirachinas


Vicenza (Italy)

The first slingshot found. The wood comes from Monte Berico

Entre viruta y viruta, nació Venus


Vernazza, La Spezia (Italy)

Between chips and shavings, was born Venus

Fuerza y potencia de un Rodeo en Texas


Dallas, Texas (USA)

Strength and power of a Rodeo in Texas

Homenaje a Pluto en la tierra de Disney


Los Angeles, California (USA)

Homage to Pluto in the Disneyland

Perdido en la Península de Nicoya


Península de Nicoya (Costa Rica)

Lost in the Peninsula of Nicoya, an unknown wood, left this anthropomorphic figure dancing

La potente divinidad Garuda


Island of Bali (Indonesia)

The powerful deity Garuda, holding a sacred Hindu temple

árbol de la vida


Katmandu (Nepal)

Dog laughing holding the «tree of life»

Admirando por la noche


Kovalam Beach, Trivandrum Kerala (India)

Looking at night a constellation in the Southern Hemisphere

Llora sobre la leche derramada


Milan (Italy)

Crying over spilled milk

Andando con paso seguro


Bari (Itay)

Walking with sure footing

Señora «chic»


Barcelona (Spain)

Madam «chic», elegant and sinuous, sensual and with noble face

El gozo de los colores y la luz


Miami Beach, Florida (USA)

The joy of color and light of Florida

¿Elegante o virtuoso?


Miami Beach, Florida (USA)

¿Smart or virtuous?

¿Es alta tu autoestima?


Ibiza, Baleares (Spain)

Is high your self-esteem?

Tin Tin de paseo por un parque


Brussels (Belgium)

Tin Tin ride through a park in Brussels

¿Tienes orgullo?


Cala Ginepro, Orosei Sardinia (Italy)

Are you proud?

¿De qué te quejas?


Vicenza (Italy)

What are you complaining?

¡Mirémonos a los ojos!


Collalbo, Bolzano (Italy)

Let us look in the eyes!

¿Amor o Sexo?


Trieste (Italy)

Love or sex?

¿Tienes un amigo de verdad?


S. Teresa di Gallura, Sassari Sardinia (Italy)

Do you have a true friend?

¿Quién vigila al volcán?


Lanzarote, Canary Islands (Spain)

Who guards the volcano?

¿Qué representa Ganesha?


Varkala, Trivandrum (India)

What is Ganesha?

¿Nunca has tenido un sueño Arcaico?


Beach number seven Havelock, Islas Andamanes (India)

Have you ever had an archaic dream?

¿Te mereces un regalo?


Buenos Aires, Gomero de 1800 en la Recoleta (Argentina)

Do you deserve a present?

¿Cuántos pájaros tenemos en la cabeza?


Poetto, Cagliari Sardinia (Italy)

How many birds on our heads?

¿Nos atraen las Estrellas?


Aigua dolça, L’Ametlla de Mar (Spain)

Do we draw the stars?

¿Tienes nariz?


Bassano, Vicenza (Italy)

Do you have a nose?



Perpignan (France)


¿Nosotros podemos ayudar?


Abuja (Nigeria)

Can we help?

¿Ojo, el huevo es tuyo o del cuco?


Foce del Cedrino, Marina di Orosei, Cerdeña (Italy)

¿Attention, the egg is yours or is from the cuckoo?